
WILD • Wild Card – 5/5/24

As we have followed the exploits of Samson over the past several weeks, it’s hard to understand the colossal failures of his God-ordained life. How could he make such a mess of things after being given so much? Samson was sent to be a deliverer for the Israelites, who were living under Philistine rule.

At this point Samson has been stripped of everything. His hair has been shaved, which broke yet another of his Nazirite vows. With his hair went his strength, because it was a symbol of the physical ability he had been given. His eyes were gouged out. He’s imprisoned by the Philistines and made to turn a millstone, grinding grain like an ox. He’s a spectacle and laughingstock, the pathetic remains of what used to be.

Many Philistines gathered for a celebration to their god Dagon. Samson was brought out to entertain the guests. He asked the person leading him to allow him to stand between the pillars of the coliseum so he could lean against them. What went unnoticed was Samson’s hair; it had grown back! Samson prayed that God would bless him one last time with supernatural strength, so he could do something right, and destroy as many Philistines as possible with his last effort. God answered, and Samson pushed against the pillars, bringing down the building and killing thousands of Israel’s enemies.

Even with all of Samson’s failures, God used him to accomplish His purpose. God never gives up on us. No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, it’s not too late to pray and ask God to give you strength to change your spiritual resume. You were created by God on purpose for a purpose. You have God-given potential. There are many things in the past that you may regret. Perhaps you are plagued by remorse. Maybe you beat yourself up for your failures, indiscretions, embarrassment, but self-loathing won’t move you forward. You can’t undo what’s been done, but don’t allow Satan to lure you and hold you in remorse. God has the answer; you can repent.

Repentance means turning away from the lower thing to that which is higher, turning away from what you have done wrong toward what’s right and God-honoring. Just because you are down, doesn’t mean you are out. You are not what you have done; you are who God says you are! You may need to confess to someone, see a counselor, join a support group, seek the help of a friend or mentor, but do something. With God you can face the challenges. His strength and power are available to you if you just ask.

Scriptures: Judges 16:22-30; Proverbs 24:16

Verse: (Jg 16:28) Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Soverign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more… (Pr 24:16) For a person who is right with God falls seven times, and rises again,…. 

Questions: Why do some people feel their past is too terrible to overcome? Have you ever dealt with remorse? Share, if you are willing. How do you cope with remorse? Do you see Samson as a Bible hero, or just wasted potential? Is it ever too late to repent? What about death bed confessions? 

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for being my Heavenly Father, ever faithful and willing to forgive. Help me to walk with you each day, growing in your grace. May I have grace and offer forgiveness freely to others as you have done for me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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