MORTAL KOMBAT 7 • Push Back – 7/7/24

Envy is a deadly sin that will grow inside you and slowly and systematically destroy you. It drives a wedge in your relationship with God and with others. Social media is a feeding ground for envy. People love to show off their newest outfit, hairstyle, car, home and vacation...
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MORTAL KOMBAT • Hidden Content – 6/30/24

So, exactly what do I need to do to get into Heaven? The rich young ruler (Luke 18) wanted a “to do” list. Jesus begins by telling him to obey the Ten Commandments, which the young man feels he’s got those boxes checked, but what Jesus says next cuts the man to the core. “Go sell...
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MORTAL KOMBAT 7 • Combo Breaker – 6/23/24

The deadly sin of pride has been around since before the foundation of the earth. Lucifer, a high-ranking angel created by God, decided he would elevate himself to be equal with God. Lucifer and the other angels who rebelled were tossed out of heaven, and they are still here...
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Mortal Kombat 7 – New Message Series 6/23/24

Ready, Fight! … Victory!!! Invite a friend to join you and learn how to fight the foes that want to take you out of the game!
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INSIDE OUT • Dream Director – 6/16/24

Christians ought to be the most positive optimistic people in the world. A pessimistic Christian is an oxymoron. But many Christians live defeated lives, failing to comprehend their true worth. It’s not what God intended. Jesus came so we can have life abundantly, not simply...
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INSIDE OUT • Train of Thought – 6/9/24

  Moses didn’t want to be the spokesman for the Israelites. He didn’t think he was good enough. He argues with God, saying that he tangles his words, isn’t good with public speaking, and PLEASE ask someone else. We know that Moses made the cut with a few adjustments!...
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INSIDE OUT • House of Cards – 6/2/24

Last week we talked about image in terms of our looks, body type, appearance. The world has an image that is acceptable and beautiful, but many of us fall short of that image. Understanding how God sees us and realizing that His opinion is all that matters makes all the...
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INSIDE OUT • Cloud Town – 5/26/24

Image is everything! But is it? We live in society that’s all about image. The perfect image has morphed through the years, but culture has always dictated what is beautiful, cool, and “in.” Selfies are a prime example of the effort people make to portray themselves with the...
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INSIDE OUT • Forgetter – 5/19/24

As you look to the future, Satan wants to convince you that things are dark and hopeless. As a new creature in Christ, there is hope; there is promise. However, Satan wants to steal your future by constant reminders of past sins you have committed. He gets inside your head and...
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