
TAKE IT ALL BACK • Excuse Me – 10/27/24

Think about the way your life is right now, not how you hope it’ll be in the future or how you wish it was, but how it really is NOW! Do you love your life? Are you experiencing life at its fullest?

You can choose to live in one of two ways. You can allow life to change you and give your circumstances the power to determine your joy, peace and hopes. This is reactive living…submission to life. The other option is to change your life and implement proactive living. You can live in submission to God, trust God and make a move. Life is too precious, too short, to leave things to change. Option 2 is the best choice, the only real choice.

The main problem with change is that you have many excuses for not initiating change, not applying God’s Word, not living life God’s way, not making the moves you need to make. John 10:10 tells us that the thief (Satan) comes only to steal, kill and destroy. He wants to flood your mind with excuses so that he can keep you right where you are. He wants you to believe that change is not possible.

New Year’s resolutions almost always fail because they are based on “good intentions.” The changes you resolve to make depend on your own ability to change. When you decide to change and rely on God’s power, when you have “God intentions” then you have unlimited power, strength, and resources for real change.

A better approach to change is not what do you want to change in your life, but what does God want to change? God has great plans for you (Je 29:11), so what does He want to change so that His best plan can be accomplished. Maybe He wants you to take better care of your body, get involved in a ministry, invest in your child’s spiritual life, or be more generous with your finances.

Another key question is, why does God want you to change? This clarifies so much! Why does God want you to take better care of your body? Because your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. He wants you to be healthy and fit for the work He has for you. Why would God want you to be more generous? He wants you to put Him first in your finances so you can bless others, give to His kingdom, and so He can open the windows of heaven to bless you in ways you cannot imagine.

So, it’s time to quit whining and move a move. In Jeremiah 32:27 God asks, “Is anything too hard for me?” The answer is an unquestionable resounding  “NOPE”! Do what you can, and let God be God. He will do His part when you trust Him and begin to move in the right direction. You won’t ever know what is possible is you don’t start!

Scriptures:  1 Corinthians 2:9 (ERV); Ephesians 3:20 (NOG); John 10:10 (NRSV); Jeremiah 29:11(NIV); Exodus 4:10-11 (CEV); Jeremiah 32:27 (CEB); Exodus 4:12 (CEB)

Verses: Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. (Ep 3:20)

Questions: What have you given up on changing? Is this something you want or something God wants, or both? What is a constant challenge when it comes to something you are trying to change? Are you allowing God to work in that situation? What change does God want to bring about in your life? What steps will you take to initiate change? Read Exodus 4. Consider how God called Moses, Moses’ excuses, and God’s solution.

Prayer: Lord, You alone can bring about real change in my actions, attitudes, and attributes. Help me to lay my good intentions at Your feet and allow Your strength and power to work in me. I submit to You and commit myself to move forward and do what I can, depending on You to do what only You can do! In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen. 

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