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Faith Fellowship began with a simple idea…

Dr. Daymond Talkington - Pastor Faith Fellowship - Thornton Photo Godfrey, IL 618 466 3434
Dr. Daymond Talkington

Take the age-old truths of the Bible and present them through engaging messages, striking visuals, and great music. Moreover, we are authentic and passionate about presenting Christ in a way that is new and refreshing. The leaders of Faith Fellowship are intentional about creating an atmosphere that takes the stress out of going to church.  Whether you have never been to church, been away for a while, or have attended your entire life, Faith Fellowship feels immediately comfortable. From the moment you pull into the parking lot, we will make you feel at home. Parking volunteers will help you find a place, and they are available to assist you in getting inside if needed.

Faith Fellowship is barely into the second decade of living out our mission: to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Come and see why so many people are making Faith Fellowship a part of their lives.

You will experience worship at Faith Fellowship in a casual, intuitive, high-tech atmosphere with today’s culture in mind. The weekend service is creative, contemporary, and compelling with only one intent–to present the message of Jesus Christ in a way that is relevant and alive. The high-energy, cutting-edge worship, drama, and multimedia presentations highlight the worship experience. Pastor Dr. Daymond Talkington uses a no-holds-barred communication style in applying God’s Word to life’s complexities. This isn’t church as you have known it; it is energetic, captivating, and never boring.

The band is styled after the timeless rock and roll lineup, complete with electric and acoustic guitars, bass, drums, and keyboard. The sounds you hear on your favorite radio stations can also be heard at Faith Fellowship–rock, soul, jazz, and blues. The band rivals any in the area (Christian or secular).

If you have children, rest assured that they will be in the best possible care. All members of the Children’s Ministry Team undergo a criminal and civil background check to ensure complete safety. While parents are experiencing the creative, life-changing weekend service, children are participating in their own high-energy encounter in the new Kids Zone Building. They won’t want to go home!

Worship This Week

Message This Week

Juice – Pineapple Express (Feb 9, 2024) Faith Fellowship Podcast

Come and see why so many people are making Faith Fellowship a part of their lives.
  1. Juice – Pineapple Express (Feb 9, 2024)
  2. Juice – Gone Bananas (Feb 2, 2024)
  3. Juice – Soul Fresh (Jan 26, 2024)
  4. Juice – Fresh Squeezed (Jan 19, 2024)
  5. Juice – Juice Bar (Jan 12, 2024)
  6. Maybe This Christmas – Worth The Wait (Jan 5, 2024)
  7. Maybe This Christmas – Joy To The World (Dec 29, 2024)
  8. Maybe This Christmas – Peace On Earth (Dec 22, 2024)
  9. Maybe This Christmas – Behold – Communion (Dec 15, 2024)
  10. Maybe This Christmas – Hallelujah(Dec 8, 2024)
  • Juice  •  Pineapple Express – 2/9/25 

    As followers of Jesus we are to reflect the kindness of God in our daily lives. Although we have disappointed God countless times and gone against his plan for us, He continually welcomes us back with open arms.

    In colonial times a host would welcome a guest by setting out a pineapple. As long as the pineapple remained in view, the guest was welcome to stay. Some accounts indicate that if the pineapple was removed, it indicated that the welcome was over and it was time for the guest to leave.

    God showed his kindness and welcomed us into His family through Jesus. We did nothing and can do nothing to deserve this kindness and mercy. God never grows tired of you; He is always with you, always available, always for you. You never wear our your welcome. By His example we are to offer the fruit of kindness through our lives in the way we care for others.

    Kindness comes about in many ways. One way is by trying to understand others. Jesus was tempted in all ways like we are, so He understands our struggles. It’s easer to show kindness when you understand a person. 

    Accepting others is another way to show kindness. God accepted us just as we are, but that doesn’t mean He isn’t interested in our progress. He loves us too much to allow us to mess up our lives. In the same way, we can accept others and still be honest with them. Kindness cares enough to be honest.

    We are also called to forgive others. We all fail and we all sin. Out of His great love for us, God forgave us. Likewise we are to forgive others.

    God affirms us. There is a great need within every individual to be accepted, to feel worth, significance. When Jesus is the most important person in your life, you never need to wonder if you matter. You matter so much that He died for your sins! We are to encourage and affirm others. Let them know how much they matter to God, and when we can express a kind word, a genuine compliment, a pat on the back, then we should do it!

    Allowing the Holy Spirit to produce fruit in us is the goal. Some people are just fruit fakers. They pretend to be loving, kind, and all that in the right place at the right time to put on a good appearance. Then there are the fruit eaters. They love to consume the fruit that others produce, feasting and feasting on the output of others. Then there are the real fruit folks. They naturally respond to others by giving love, kindness, joy, and passing out fruit as they live their daily lives. Which kind of person are you?

    Scriptures – John 13:35(NIV); Titus 3:4-5(ICB); Galatians 5:22-23(CEB); Hebrews 4:15-16(NRSVUE); Galatians 6:1-2(CEV); John 8:32(CEV); Ephesians 4:15(ERV); Romans 3:24(NLT); Matthew 6:14-15(NLT); Romans 15:7 (NLT); Isaiah 49:16(NLT); Ephesians 4:32(ESV); John 15:8(CEB)

    Verses – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Ga 5:22-23) But then the kindness and love of God our Savior was shown. He saved us because of his mercy, not because of good deeds we did to be right with God. He saved us through the washing that made us new people. He saved us by making us new through the Holy Spirit. (Tt 3:4-5)

    Questions – Recall an act of kindness that you received? How much did that mean? How have you touched someone’s life through kindness? How do you identify a truly kind person? How is God developing your fruit?

    Prayer – Dear Father in Heaven, Your mercy and kindness reached me in my sin and gave me light and life in Jesus. Help me to share the great hope I have in You by offering kindness to those around me. Work in and through me by Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.