Faith Fellowship began with a simple idea…

Dr. Daymond Talkington - Pastor Faith Fellowship - Thornton Photo Godfrey, IL 618 466 3434
Dr. Daymond Talkington

Take the age-old truths of the Bible and present them through engaging messages, striking visuals, and great music. Moreover, we are authentic and passionate about presenting Christ in a way that is new and refreshing. The leaders of Faith Fellowship are intentional about creating an atmosphere that takes the stress out of going to church.  Whether you have never been to church, been away for a while, or have attended your entire life, Faith Fellowship feels immediately comfortable. From the moment you pull into the parking lot, we will make you feel at home. Parking volunteers will help you find a place, and they are available to assist you in getting inside if needed.

Faith Fellowship is barely into the second decade of living out our mission: to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Come and see why so many people are making Faith Fellowship a part of their lives.

You will experience worship at Faith Fellowship in a casual, intuitive, high-tech atmosphere with today’s culture in mind. The weekend service is creative, contemporary, and compelling with only one intent–to present the message of Jesus Christ in a way that is relevant and alive. The high-energy, cutting-edge worship, drama, and multimedia presentations highlight the worship experience. Pastor Dr. Daymond Talkington uses a no-holds-barred communication style in applying God’s Word to life’s complexities. This isn’t church as you have known it; it is energetic, captivating, and never boring.

The band is styled after the timeless rock and roll lineup, complete with electric and acoustic guitars, bass, drums, and keyboard. The sounds you hear on your favorite radio stations can also be heard at Faith Fellowship–rock, soul, jazz, and blues. The band rivals any in the area (Christian or secular).

If you have children, rest assured that they will be in the best possible care. All members of the Children’s Ministry Team undergo a criminal and civil background check to ensure complete safety. While parents are experiencing the creative, life-changing weekend service, children are participating in their own high-energy encounter in the new Kids Zone Building. They won’t want to go home!

Worship This Week

Message This Week

SOUL Train – People Get Ready (SEPT 15 2024) Faith Fellowship Podcast

Come and see why so many people are making Faith Fellowship a part of their lives.
  1. SOUL Train – People Get Ready (SEPT 15 2024)
  2. SOUL Train – Stop! In The Name Of Love (SEPT 8 2024)
  3. SOUL Train – Good Times (SEPT 01 2024)
  4. SOUL Train – Can You Feel It? (AUG 25 2024)
  5. SOUL Train – Higher Ground (AUG 18 2024)
  6. SOUL Train – Long Train Running (AUG 11 2024)
  7. Mortal Kombat – Delay Wakeup (AUG 4 2023)
  8. Mortal Kombat – Stuffing (July 28 2023)
  9. Mortal Kombat – Run (July 21 2023)
  10. Mortal Kombat – Chip Damage (July 14 2023)
  • ALL ABOARD THE SOUL TRAIN • People Get Ready – 9/15/24

    We live in a society where comfort rules. We all like to be comfortable, wear comfortable shoes and clothes. We like the creature comforts in our home—a nice La-Z-Boy recliner, and in our vehicles—heated seats and lots of drink holders. We long for comfort in our family, our career, and to be financially comfortable. We’re all about comfort.

    Jesus didn’t have comfort in mind when he sent the apostles into the world to preach the Good News. He told them they were like sheep heading into a pack of wolves and that they should be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves!

    When we first choose to follow Jesus, we don’t fully comprehend all that it entails, just like when you say “I do” at the altar. The full impact of those words becomes a reality with time. The same is true with our relationship with Jesus. Becoming a Christian is about joy, forgiveness and peace, but it isn’t about comfort. We are called to be witnesses and that will make you uncomfortable!

    Too many Christ followers go through life in a rut, a day-to-day routine. Week after week and year after year they seek what’s comfortable and predictable. They attend church, Bible study, serve, go on mission trips, and hang with Christian friends; these are all good things, comfortable things, but the most important thing is seeking opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with others. Many feel that’s just too uncomfortable! Well, you aren’t following Christ’s command until you get uncomfortable and allow the Holy Spirit to turn the mundane into the miraculous.

    God has strategically placed you where you are so that you can reach those around you and share your faith story. But you must pray a high-risk prayer, “God, give me an opportunity to share my faith with someone.” Name the person. We all have people in our lives who are far from God. Pray for them, ask God for opportunities to share your faith. Your next trip to the grocery store, gym, or spa can be an adventure when you look for ways to share God’s love with others!

    Verses: (Mt 10:16 NIV) “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” (Mt 28:19-20 NIV) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Acts 1:8 NIV) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (2 Ti 4:5 NLT) But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.

    Scriptures: Matthew 10:16, 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Timothy 4:5; Colossians 4:2-3

    Questions: Do you pray regularly for opportunities to share your faith? Do you frequently share your faith with others? How do you know when the door of opportunity is open? Have you ever led someone to Christ? 

    Prayer: Most Holy God, thank you for the gift of salvation and for the Holy Spirit who dwells in me and gives me strength to do Your will. Open the door of opportunity so that I can share my faith with those around me. Keep my eyes, ears, and heart open to those who are ready to hear from you. Make me bold when I want to retreat and guide my words so that they are instruments of your grace. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.