GOD ONDEMAND – Channel Surfing
God parted the Red Sea and allowed the Israelites to pass through on dry land only after they continued to walk forward toward the sea. At the wedding in Cana Jesus made wine only after the wine jugs were filled with water and samples were taken to the wine tasters. The ten lepers were not healed until they started on the journey to show themselves to the priest. These Biblical accounts of God’s miraculous power have a common thread. Only after there is forward motion by those in need of God’s power, does His power become evident. God gives power along the way.
Eph 1:19-20; 2 Tim 1:7; Ex 14:13-15; Joshua 3:13; Luke 17:14
I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe in him. (Eph 1:19)
We sometimes feel that God isn’t hearing or answering our prayers. We pray for his intervention in a situation, his healing, his financial blessing, his comfort, his grace; and many times we don’t feel or see anything is changing. Perhaps God is waiting on us! Perhaps God wants to see our obedience in the situation, our faith, our forward motion may be needed before his power will become evident to us and to the situation. God gives power along the way.
What prayer have you been praying for a long time and feel disappointed or discouraged that God hasn’t answered? Is there something you need to do, some step of obedience you need to take to show your faith in God’s power? When in your life have you moved forward in faith and seen God’s power displayed? Why do we so quickly forget how great God is and so easily doubt his power?
Continue to pray for those things that have been on your heart. Ask God to show you how you need to be obedient and express your faith in his power. Be open to the avenues God chooses. Be willing to take steps; move forward. Many times God answers in ways we aren’t expecting.
Lord, I lay my heart before you. I trust your sovereign power and wisdom. Help me to move forward toward you and toward the plan you have in store for my life. Give your power along the way. Allow my faith to grow. May your will be done, not mine. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.