MORTAL KOMBAT • Hidden Content – 6/30/24

So, exactly what do I need to do to get into Heaven? The rich young ruler (Luke 18) wanted a “to do” list. Jesus begins by telling him to obey the Ten Commandments, which the young man feels he’s got those boxes checked, but what Jesus says next cuts the man to the core. “Go sell...
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INSIDE OUT • House of Cards – 6/2/24

Last week we talked about image in terms of our looks, body type, appearance. The world has an image that is acceptable and beautiful, but many of us fall short of that image. Understanding how God sees us and realizing that His opinion is all that matters makes all the...
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LISTEN TO THE MUSIC • I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For – 3/31/24

Have you ever walked away from a job, situation, challenge, relationship, marriage, or friendship and later realized you made a serious mistake. What you thought you wanted wasn’t really what you were searching for, and now the door is closed, there’s no going back. It hurts; and...
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Did you ever start a project that took longer and became way more complicated than you expected? Most of us have found that sometimes things end up being harder than they need to be. Did you ever feel that way about being a Christian? At the heart of it, it shouldn’t be that...
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Top Ten – 8th Commandment – “Take the Money and Run”

After 400 years of slavery in Egypt God delivered the Israelites and gave them the Ten Commandments as guidelines to govern their relationship with Him and with one another. As they were beginning to possess the land God had promised them, Joshua gave strict instructions...
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I-THINK – Brain Trust

We all have many decisions to make and no one sets out to make bad decisions that bring painful consequences. God has given each of us the potential to be great decision makers, but most of the big decisions in life require much prayer and input from others. Seeking wise counsel...
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Let’s dive in and see what lies beneath the surface of some of the Bible’s deep blue Scripture passages. There is much to discover and learn as we face storms, raging seas, waves and floods. Join us as we go into the heart of the sea and pursue the Deep!
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Call of Duty Roads to Victory

With the walls rebuilt and the people of Jerusalem united by their faith and community, the future is bright and filled with hope. The Israelites have recommitted themselves to God and are ready to move forward as a city and as a community of faith. There is nothing left to do...
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Call of Duty Finest Hour

When Nehemiah learned that his home city of Jerusalem had been ransacked, burned, and its defenses broken down, he was overcome with grief. Though he had been away for quite some time, his heart was with his people, the Jews—the people of Israel. He was broken before God and knew...
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