Echo – Reflection

Scripture was written for the benefit of Christ followers. It was not written in some mysterious code or language that must be deciphered. God’s Holy Spirit uses the Word to guide, direct, prompt and caution the believer through life. The unbeliever can understand what Scripture...
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Echo – Impulse

The Holy Spirit is always working to direct us on the right path. Part of that process is called “conviction.” Conviction functions in several ways in our lives. To the non-Christian it is a stern rebuke when the Holy Spirit points out sin. This hopefully leads to repentance and...
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Echo – Noise

The world is noisy. We are barraged with echoes from society, friends, media and more. It’s easy to be overwhelmed and confused by all the input! And, have you ever thought about what your echo is contributing to those around you? What you listen to will be what you echo, and...
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Hunger Games – Hunger for Meaning in Your Work

Many people are not happy in their jobs or vocations. In this economy, job satisfaction is practically non-existent. God must have a better plan for our lives than simply toiling and getting through our daily grind. All of us struggle at times the same way Solomon did when he...
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Hunger Games – Game Rules

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth,… after all of Solomon’s research, study and observation, he gives this sage advice to the younger generation. Solomon recognized that being young is wonderful. He believed that every youthful moment should be lived to its fullest...
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Hunger Games – Hungry Jack

We live in a world where there is no shortage on opinions. We vote articles up or down on Reddit; we like things and leave comments on Facebook; we can mute someone on Twitter; we post reviews on Yelp. Our culture wants to critique, review and rate everything. Everyone is a...
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Hunger Games – Hungry Hippos

Sometimes when other people get ahead, are promoted, buy a new car or house, we feel a twinge of envy. We are unable to celebrate their joy. Sometimes we act as though the good thing they have is lost to us, as if there isn’t enough good stuff to go around. We may even feel that...
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Hunger Games – Hungry for a Change

In 1965 the Byrds released a #1 hit song Turn! Turn! Turn! It echoed the words penned by Solomon 2500 years ago—for everything there is a season (Ec 3:1). Life is a journey through many seasons of life. There is a time to be born, and a time to die, a time to weep, and a time to...
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Hunger Games – Let the Games Begin

Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived and his wealth was unequaled. He was world renowned and sought after by kings and rulers. He spent his life in pursuit of life’s meaning through education, the accumulation of wealth, and the indulgences of pleasure (food, wine, women and...
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