Agents of the Shield – Pride

In Daniel chapter 4 we read an interesting story about King Nebuchadnezzar and his encounter with the living God. The king was the ruler over the most feared and prosperous empire of the day. Nebuchadnezzar’s wealth and power had created a monster of pride in his heart the God...
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King Nebuchadnezzar erects a golden statue and gives the order for all people in his kingdom to bow down and worship it when a musical signal is given. Anyone refusing to do so can expect death in a blazing furnace. Everyone conforms to his demands except for Shadrach, Meshach...
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Agents of the Shield – Control

Control In Daniel’s time, King Nebuchadnezzar is the most powerful ruler in the world. He thinks he’s in control of everything. However, a terrifying dream is keeping him awake at night. He doesn’t understand and can’t control this nightmare. He calls for the astrologers, fortune...
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Agents of the Shield – Babylon

Daniel was enslaved in a foreign land; he was far from his home, his dreams, his hopes, and his religious freedom. Finding himself stripped of everything, even his name, he was in the worst of situations. Yet, he did not succumb to self-pity and become a victim of his...
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Father’s Day

All of us are builders in some form or another. Most of us don’t work with lumber or steel but we do live and work and interact with people. The greatest building we’re ever going to be a part of is in regard to people. Fathers, whether you realize it or not, you’re the general...
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The Long and Winding Road

The Long and Winding Road  “Seeing is believing!” That’s an expression we often hear in today’s world, and it’s pretty easy to believe what we see right in front of us. However, with faith, “believing is seeing!” The Bible says that faith is confidence in what we hope for (Heb...
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Strawberry Fields Forever – I’m Only Sleeping

If Satan can’t keep you from becoming a Christian, his next plan is to lull you to sleep so that you pose no threat to his mission here on Earth. Unfortunately there are many Christians who are sleeping and don’t know it. They are snug and comfy. They may be going through the...
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Strawberry Fields Forever – Come Together

Christians who truly love one another realize that they don’t have to agree on everything. As Christians, we have freedom in Christ—freedom from the laws and rules that bound people before Christ came and made salvation possible through faith alone. Rules and regulations don’t...
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Strawberry Fields Forever

God made you and put you on earth for a reason. He has a purpose and a plan for your life. He wants to use you in ways that are greater than you’ve ever imagined. But, you have doubts! “How could God ever use me? I’m not as talented or as smart as so and so, and just look at all...
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