Happy Together

Do you ever wake up and wonder, “What do I have to be happy about today?” As Christians we should find joy in Jesus Christ. He died for our sins; we don’t have to live with guilt; we are forgiven! Christ defeated sin and death, and we have the assurance of eternity with him in...
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Come on Get Happy!

“Happy” is hard to define, but we know it when we experience it. The word “happy” comes from an old Icelandic word “happ”. It is related to happenings, happenstance and haphazard. Happy is a feeling, an emotion, which occurs when something we like happens to us. Consequently,...
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Happiness is an illusive goal. The reality is…you’ll never be happy if the ultimate goal of your life is the pursuit of happiness! People tend to think that having more money, being older, changing location/climate, or having more education will make them happy. However, research...
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Fresh Start If you had 2014 to live over again, would you do something differently? Most of us would because we made some mistakes and had some failures last year. It’s a fact of life that we’re going to make mistakes and come up short as we go through life. It probably comes as...
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Netflixmas – It’s a Wonderful Life

Netflixmas It’s a Wonderful Life Have you ever been standing so close to a picture that you can’t see the image of the picture? It’s not until you step back and get the big picture that you can see the image. Maybe it’s that way in some areas of your life. You focus so much on...
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Merry Christmas!

There is little that hasn’t been said, written, read or preached when it comes the story of Christ’s birth. It is so familiar and traditional that the reality is almost lost in the mystery. The fact is, God came to live among us and to be revealed in us, as the song says…God with...
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Netflixmas – A Christmas Story

What do you want for Christmas this year? Christmas is a time of wonder and hope, a time for traditions, and a time of many demands and expectations. Sometimes what we say we want and what we pursue seem to have nothing in common. We want peace; yet we over-schedule and run at a...
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Netflixmas – Christmas Vacation

The Christmas story, as we visualize it, is one of simplicity and beauty, but in reality it was complicated, uncomfortable and messy. Mary is unmarried and pregnant, unacceptable in her culture. She claims she is pregnant with God’s child. Her fiancé is ready to break off their...
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Echo – Frequency

Like the first century Christians, we need power to help us live out God’s intentions for our lives. This empowering is available to us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who is the third person of the Trinity. In a supernatural way, that we don’t fully understand, the...
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