Moses is a name found on most any list of Biblical greats…a hero, a leader, a faithful servant. His great accomplishments are many and miraculous. Yet, if you look back to the time when God first called him to lead the Israelites, he was not a cooperative volunteer. He was more...
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In Jesus’ story from Luke 18, we see a very confident religious man praying/bragging about his righteous deeds! He isn’t guilty of any of the highly visible sins like murder or robbery. He is faithful to the outward practices of fasting and tithing so that everyone can see...
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GOD ONDEMAND – Channel Surfing

God parted the Red Sea and allowed the Israelites to pass through on dry land only after they continued to walk forward toward the sea. At the wedding in Cana Jesus made wine only after the wine jugs were filled with water and samples were taken to the wine tasters. The ten...
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GOD ONDEMAND – Pixilated

The Shema includes the first commandment God gave to Moses (see Deut. 6:4-9). For the Jew, the Shema was to be the first thought of the day, the last thought at night, the first thing taught to a child, and the last words on a person’s lips at death. It was memorized, recited and...
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GOD ONDEMAND – More Bandwidth (Bigger is Better)

During the time of Gideon, the Israelites had done evil in the Lord’s sight; they worshipped other gods and abandoned the Lord God who had saved them from slavery, parted the Red Sea and fed them in the wilderness for forty years. So He handed them over to the Midianites for...
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Agents of the Shield – Level Seven

Daniel is a shining example of faithfulness throughout his life, no matter the circumstance, no matter the consequence. He stood strong for God in a society that didn’t know or understand his faith. He stood strong in the face of persecution. Daniel experienced many visions and...
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Agents of the Shield – Fury

Darius, the new king of Babylon elevates Daniel to a position of prominence in his administration. Daniel is one of 3 administrators who oversee 120 satraps (mayors) who rule over the provinces. King Darius is so pleased with Daniel that he is preparing to put him in charge of...
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Agents of the Shield – Truth Serum

In Daniel chapter 5, we read an amazing story about some mysterious writing on the wall in the king’s banquet hall. Daniel is called to interpret the words from God that appeared during an over the top party for the movers and shakers of the kingdom. The words were meant for the...
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Agents of the Shield – Before and After

In Daniel chapter 4 King Nebuchadnezzar was headed for a downfall because of his great pride. But God, in his mercy, warns the King through his servant Daniel. Before God’s judgment came he gave King Nebuchadnezzar a whole year to obey the warning and be open to this...
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