
Did you ever start a project that took longer and became way more complicated than you expected? Most of us have found that sometimes things end up being harder than they need to be. Did you ever feel that way about being a Christian? At the heart of it, it shouldn’t be that...
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Deep – The Finest Hours

It seems that everybody has had doubts at some time or another. When we doubt the future, we call it worry. When we doubt other people we call it suspicion. When we doubt ourselves we call it inferiority. Here’s the definition for doubt: to be uncertain about something; to...
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Deep – Poseidon Adventure

Paul faced many difficulties, one of which was a shipwreck while in transport to Rome for trial. The trip had been delayed due to weather and the crew was pressing to reach a port of safe harbor for the winter. The journey was unseasonably risky and Paul had received a message...
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Deep – Perfect Storm

Due to its geographical location 700 feet below sea level and surrounded by mountains, the Sea of Galilee is prone to sudden and severe storms. The disciples were overcome with fear on this particular occasion while Jesus was fast asleep in their small boat. As the sea tossed and...
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Call of Duty Roads to Victory

With the walls rebuilt and the people of Jerusalem united by their faith and community, the future is bright and filled with hope. The Israelites have recommitted themselves to God and are ready to move forward as a city and as a community of faith. There is nothing left to do...
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Call of Duty Strike Team

Nehemiah received his call of duty to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He presented his plan to the people of the city and they rallied for the project. The mission is in motion. However, there is no opportunity without opposition and the wait is short before the nay-sayers begin...
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Call of Duty Special Opps

Nehemiah’s brokenness over the news of Jerusalem’s devastation led him to mourn and fast for “some days.” According to Scripture 4 months passed before Nehemiah asked the king for a leave of absence, travel documents and supplies. What took so long? Rather than attempting...
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Life is too Short to Not Get Out of the Boat

Someone once said, “Failure isn’t an event, but rather a judgment about an event.” In other words, failure isn’t something that happens to us, it’s the way we think about the outcome of what has happened to us. As a result, many people, for fear of failure, will do nothing; while...
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Life is too Short to Live in Fear

The most common command in Scripture is “Fear not!” God knew that we would struggle with fear, and it is fear that threatens to keep us from trusting and obeying God. There are two mindsets for living. One is faith-based—you trust God’s power and have confidence and rest in Him....
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