Life – Take My Life

Many of us want something in our life that we can’t get by our own skill, power or ability. We can’t get it by our finances or by our wisdom. No, what we want is what only God can give and to this point in our lives He hasn’t provided it for us. Scriptures Isaiah 30:13; 40:30-31;...
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We all know people who say they believe one thing but do the exact opposite. It’s hypocrisy and we have no respect for it in others, yet we tend to justify it in our own life. This is not a new problem, the writer of Hebrews warns the early Christians not to turn away from the...
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Covalent Bond

This week Paul adds another component of our God-given DNA as Christians and as the church—acceptance. We all know people who have had a bad experience in the church and with Christians in general. Often non-believers feel they are expected to change in order to be accepted....
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The blind men in Matthew’s account could have wallowed in self-pity. It would have been easy for them to focus on their troubles and be blind to a solution…”Poor me, I can’t work; all I can do is beg. I’ll never have a normal life and family.” And in their culture, it was widely...
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Overseas Highway

The disciples were with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee when a storm quickly arose and threatened to capsize their small boat (Mk 44:35-40). After a long day of ministry, Jesus was exhausted and sleeping peacefully while the boat was tossed about in the surge. The disciples were...
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Come on Get Happy!

“Happy” is hard to define, but we know it when we experience it. The word “happy” comes from an old Icelandic word “happ”. It is related to happenings, happenstance and haphazard. Happy is a feeling, an emotion, which occurs when something we like happens to us. Consequently,...
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Happiness is an illusive goal. The reality is…you’ll never be happy if the ultimate goal of your life is the pursuit of happiness! People tend to think that having more money, being older, changing location/climate, or having more education will make them happy. However, research...
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Fresh Start If you had 2014 to live over again, would you do something differently? Most of us would because we made some mistakes and had some failures last year. It’s a fact of life that we’re going to make mistakes and come up short as we go through life. It probably comes as...
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Netflixmas – It’s a Wonderful Life

Netflixmas It’s a Wonderful Life Have you ever been standing so close to a picture that you can’t see the image of the picture? It’s not until you step back and get the big picture that you can see the image. Maybe it’s that way in some areas of your life. You focus so much on...
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