
Life – Private Life

Putting God first in every area of life is a challenge. The area of finance is perhaps one of the greatest challenges when it comes to surrender. It’s mine. I earned it. I deserve it. God’s word has a lot to say about your financial life. It may be private to you; but God calls you to give it to Him. Doing so yields amazing rewards. Not doing so is a BIG miss in life! If you trust him with your eternity, you can surely trust him with your money!

Pr 27:23-24, 23:23, 21:5, 21:20, 13:11, 6:6-8, 21:17, 3:9-10; Phil 4:11; Heb 13:5; Mal 3:10-11; Isa 55:2; Mt 5:6; Lk 16:11

“And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” (Lk 16:11)

If you keep these 5 principles at the forefront of your financial life, you will succeed. (1) Keep good records. You have to know where your money goes. Keep track of what you own, owe, earn and where it goes. (2) Operate with a plan. Make a budget. Financial freedom isn’t determined by what you earn; it’s determined by what you spend. Live within your means. (3) Save for the future. Most baby boomers retire with no savings. Subsequent generations will be in debt when retirement comes. Be wise–save. (Pr 21:20) (4) Be content with what you have. Many are so obsessed with making a living and getting more, that they fail to enjoy the life they have. Your yearnings will always exceed your earnings. Find contentment with what you have now! (5) Put God first! God promises to bless when we put Him first. Tithing is like an insurance policy; God promises to meet our needs. He also satisfies our desire for more; we begin to want to give rather than get.

Do you have a budget? Are you saving for the future? Are you living within your means by not spending more than you earn? What is your #1 financial concern? Are you making progress in giving to God? How have you experienced God’s blessings through giving? What is one thing that would be a positive financial decision for you based on this message?

If you don’t have a budget, make one. If you need help, get it! Ask someone who manages their money wisely to help you put together a plan. Ask God for his guidance and blessing in your finances. If you are not giving to God, start somewhere…3-5% with a plan to increase 1% every 6 months or on some pre-determined schedule.

Father God, thank you for giving me everything I have. Even though I know you have provided it all, why is it so hard to put you first in my finances? I want to be wise in handling the resources you have given me. Guide me toward financial freedom. Increase my faith and help me to be obedient to your word. I want to find the contentment and peace that only comes by putting you first. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

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