
LET’S GO CRAZY • Standing Faith 10/8/23

As believers we would like to have stronger faith. There are some things we might do to increase our faith such as attend church regularly, pray more and read the Bible more, spend time with God each day and listen for his guidance. These are all good things, and there are many Christians who are faithful in doing all of this. But if this is all that’s needed to grow in faith, why are so many Christians spiritually weak? The Bible implies that God is more than willing to infuse believers with strength and power, so why isn’t faith evident, prevalent, alive, and active in the lives of believers? The Bible is full of accounts of God’s powerful and miraculous intervention amid terrible circumstances. How do we tap into the faith that activates God’s strength and power?

Scriptures – Mark 9:23; Exodus 14:13-15; Joshua 3:13; Luke 17:14; Psalm 46:10

Verses – “All things are possible for the one who has faith.” (Mk 9:23) “The priests will carry the Ark of the Lord, the Master of the whole world, into the Jordan ahead of you. When they step into the water, it will stop. The river will stop flowing and will stand up in a heap.” (Josh 3:13) Jesus looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” On their way they were healed. (Lk 17:14)

Thought – When you find yourself in a difficult circumstance, fear can be paralyzing. When the Israelites received the “go ahead” from God to take possession of the Promised Land, they had to cross the Jordan River, and it was at flood stage. God told them to put the priests at the front carrying the Ark of the Covenant, which held God’s presence, and they were to walk into the rushing waters. This wasn’t a “part the water and walk through” situation like at the Red Sea. God told them to start moving and somewhere along the way he’d deliver them. God did as he promised. He held back the waters so they could cross, but not until they started wading. If they had stood and waited for God to clear a path, they might still be wandering in the dessert. Consider the account of the 10 lepers in Luke 17. These men came to Jesus asking for mercy. He told them to go and show themselves to the priests. What? The priests were the health department of that day, but what’s the use, they were already diagnosed. The priests would just confirm what they already knew, they had leprosy. However, at least one of them had the courage to lead the way, after all, what harm would it do. By the time they reached the priests, the leprosy was gone, they were healed. What if they had scoffed at this seemingly ridiculous instruction? They would have died of leprosy, and never known the healing power of Jesus. Whatever you are going through you must move in the direction God is calling you. You exercise your faith when you stand in faith and move. Nothing is going to happen is you are sitting on the couch, waiting for that dose of power and strength from God. Start moving in the right direction.  

Questions – What are you waiting on God to do? (Explain) What moves do you need to make? How does God use our waiting time to grow us? Why is it important to serve while you wait? How does believing God can do something differ from believing and moving in God’s direction? Share about a time when you moved forward in faith, unable to see what was next, but trusting God to bring results in His time.

Response – Write down what you have been asking God to do. List ways you can move in God’s direction while you wait.

Prayer – Dear God, help me walk by faith, fully trusting in your power and strength. I know that you will provide because you know what I need and will make the way clear as I move forward. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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