
INSIDE OUT • Headquarters – 5/12/24

The voices in our head determine how we live out our lives. There is a war, a spiritual war for our minds. Jesus warned us that Satan’s mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. Satan wants to rob you and me. He whispers lies that get inside our heads and cause us stress and frustration as we believe them and act on them. 

One of the lies that most of us hear is, “You have to be strong!” “You have to hold things together.” “It all depends on you.” We expend a great deal of energy trying to be strong in many areas of our lives. We try to be strong emotionally. We want to be strong for those we love when they are going through difficulties, and then when we have problems, we don’t let others know because we need to be strong and power through.

We hear the voice saying, “It’s up to you to be strong and provide.” We must take care of the household, cook, clean, do laundry, shop, manage the finances, pay bills, mow the lawn. There is so much pressure to get everything done, and we need to be strong and work harder to hold things together. 

We hear the whispers that threaten our financial security. Our future stability depends on how strong we are financially. We need to manage our money better. Get a second job. Work overtime. The kids have needs, activities to fund. There will be braces, cars, college. We feel the weight that we must be strong and carry it all.

And spiritually, you may be the only one in your family, at work, or in your neighborhood who is a Christian. You hear the voice say, “You’ve got to be strong for everyone.” You must do and say the right things.”  

What about being professionally strong? If you don’t carry the load at work, no one will. Success or failure rests on you. You must mediate the conflicts, hold things together. You have to be strong.

Too many of us are trying to handle everything on our own and failing. If we could work harder, smarter, or be a better parent, spouse, or employee, maybe we could manage everything. That’s a lie. Satan wants to keep you running and frustrated, never feeling you are enough.

God didn’t create you to do everything on your own; your strength, abilities, and capabilities are limited, intentionally limited, so you won’t depend on yourself alone. God created you to depend on his unlimited spiritual power, but you need to admit your weakness and ask him to help you get your schedule, your demands, and your life under control. He will strengthen you, give you wisdom and guidance. It’s NOT all up to you!

Scriptures: John 10:10; John 8:44; John 8:31-32; Isaiah 40:30-31; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Verses:  (John 8:44) “The devil has nothing to do with truth. There is no truth in him. It is expected of the devil to lie, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:31-32) “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Questions: What things do you feel depend on you alone? Is that true? If so, is it because you claim it, or because no one else can actually do it? What weakness do you need to admit? How can you release it to God and find freedom from the lie that it’s all up to you? What does Paul mean in 2 Corinthians when he says, “When I am weak, then I am strong”?

Prayer: Dear Lord, I’m exhausted, worn out, and overwhelmed. I need your help, your strength, and your guidance. Please give me wisdom. Allow the peaceful power of your presence to fill me so that I can find balance in my life and rest for my weary mind. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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