
DREAM ON • 7/16/23

Everyone is created fearfully and wonderfully by God and He has placed dreams in the hearts of each one, whether they choose to follow Christ or not. Every person is unique. The fulfillment of a dream requires time, passion, focus, and sacrifice. There is no shortcut to the realization of dreams. Many people struggle with their dreams. As a Christian you may wonder, “What does God want me to do? How do I know if this dream is God’s plan for me?”. The person you are today is mainly the result of decisions you have made in the past. Who you will become and what you will be able to accomplish in the future greatly depend on the decisions you make today and tomorrow. Sadly, we don’t always make the best decisions. Too often decisions are based on impulse or emotions that influence us in the moment. Making decisions based on the moment or even on the immediate future may chisel away at your dream. Decisions are important. They are defining. Every decision you make will influence the dream; it will be the difference between daydreaming and pursuing a dream. You must make a commitment to make decisions in light of the dream, to keep it always in focus, to be willing to work and sacrifice in pursuit of the dream.

Scriptures – Ephesians 3:20-21; 1 Peter 1:15; Proverbs 16:2-3

Verses – Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ep 3:20-21 NIV) But be holy in all you do, just as God, the One who called you, is holy. (1 Pe 1:15) All a person’s ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. (Pr 16:2)

Thought – So what is God’s will? God cares about who you are. There’s a process to dreaming and the “who” comes before the “do.” God wants you to be holy. Holy means set apart, different. You are not to be like the world, driven by the world’s values. You aren’t to pursue the temporary, but rather the eternal. As you move toward Jesus, you move toward being holy. The same is true with the dreams God has placed in your heart and mind. When you start pursuing those dreams, you’ll look different than most people in the world. A dream purifies your decisions, it will drive you, direct you, and make you willing to sacrifice. A lazy longing won’t get you anywhere, a determined destination will influence all your decisions. God also cares about your motives. There are two reasons people give for their pursuits. One is the reason they tell everyone else, and then there’s the real reason, their motive. When you seek first God’s kingdom and God’s ways, God will help you establish a plan and make decisions in light of the dream God has given you. And remember you must be faithful in the small things before God will give you more. Be the best you can be in the place you are right now. If you don’t learn to work hard where you are, if you’re not faithful with small things, you’ll never get the chance at the big things or you won’t be prepared to handle them when they do come. God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine….

Questions – As a child what was your dream? Did it change as you matured? Did you pursue your dream? Are you still pursuing your dream? Do you have any new dreams? What is the motive behind the dreams you have pursued?

Response – Reflect on how you have or haven’t pursued the dreams God has placed within you. Consider how your dreams have influenced your life. If you have given up on your dream, remember that God isn’t finished with you. Decide what you can do to begin making small decisions that move you in the right direction.

Prayer – Precious Lord, allow your holiness to fill my heart and mind. Renew my pursuit of the dream you have placed within me. Give me new passion. I want to move toward you with the plan you have in mind for me. Thank you for your patience and faithfulness to me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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