Top Gear – Shifting Gears

Character is the commitment to do what is “right” as God defines “right” regardless of the cost. We live in a world where accomplishment and achievement are prized and often held in higher regard than character. When accomplishment is top gear, a new societal ethic...
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Doubt Devotional

Many followers of Christ have times in their lives when they have doubts and questions they can’t answer.  This isn’t something that is new to our day.  There are whole books of the Bible that deal with the issue of doubt in various ways.  Books like Job, Psalms, Jeremiah,...
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Walking Dead – Undead

Experiencing the fullness of life that Christ desires for you will not happen without your effort and determination. Recognizing the need to change isn’t enough. You will not be the passive recipient of life’s fullness. It just won’t happen! You must take steps and make moves in...
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Walking Dead – Infection

God’s power is bigger than your past. When you accept Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you come from…he makes you new! He gives you a new label, no matter how you’ve been known in the past. He gives you a new purpose that you can and will...
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Walking Dead – Shufflers

When Zacchaeus met Jesus, he not only experienced forgiveness of his sins but he also experienced a complete change of heart regarding his money. As a hated tax collector Zachhaeus had used his position to extort money and pad his own bank account. His relationship with Jesus...
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Walking Dead – Zombies

Putting God first, spending time with Him, reading the Bible, praying and listening to God may seem like some lofty goal to strive for at some distant time in the future; but it can be a reality now. It is not ethereal or unattainable. It is not reserved for pastors and...
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Walking Dead – Wanderers

Giving God the first day of the week is a great way to infuse your spirit., but, it’s only a start! As each day of the week wears on, the inspiration fades and the spirit weakens. It’s easy to begin to wander away from the word that was so empowering on Sunday. In order to move...
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Devotional for the Week of January 5, 2014

Key Scripture: Philippians 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.  The whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the...
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Devotional for Week of December 29, 2013

Scripture Luke 24:13-35 Verse The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place. Luke 24:20-21 NIV...
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