Breaking Bad – Envy

Most of us battle the green-eyed monster in one way or another. Envy is two headed; not only do I want what you have but I don’t want you to have it either. Envy causes conflict wherever it roams–between family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors. It may drive one...
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Breaking Bad – Greed

In Luke 18 we find the story of the rich young ruler. In today’s world he would be sort of a CEO who has come to Jesus to negotiate the contract for a home in heaven. He asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him that he should obey the Ten Commandments. The...
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Breaking Bad – Pride

There are two kinds of pride. The good kind produces self-respect, dignity, satisfaction from a job well done and joy in seeing others succeed. The bad kind produces conceit, arrogance and an attitude of superiority that we call egotism. Pride is easily detected in others and...
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Life – Private Life

Putting God first in every area of life is a challenge. The area of finance is perhaps one of the greatest challenges when it comes to surrender. It’s mine. I earned it. I deserve it. God’s word has a lot to say about your financial life. It may be private to you; but God calls...
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Life – Work Life

Chances are that in the course of your life you will spend more time working than with your spouse, family, eating, relaxing, recreating and vacationing combined. Unfortunately 80% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. Since work is such a big part of life, there should be...
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Life – Relational Life

One of the important relationships are friendships. Friendships have the power to make you or break you. You can get an insight into a person’s character by observing the people with whom they choose to spend time. Scriptures Proverbs 29:18, Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Luke 6:13,...
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Life – Take My Life

Many of us want something in our life that we can’t get by our own skill, power or ability. We can’t get it by our finances or by our wisdom. No, what we want is what only God can give and to this point in our lives He hasn’t provided it for us. Scriptures Isaiah 30:13; 40:30-31;...
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Life – Thought Life

Our thought life is the most powerful and the most private arena of our lives. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it this way: Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny. It’s not an...
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Life – Game of Life

The Milton Bradley game “Life” simulates a person’s journey through life from college to retirement. It includes salaries, marriage, children and crisis. Navigating through each spin and move culminates in a day of reckoning when all that’s been acquired is added up and the...
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