Walking Dead – Zombies
Putting God first, spending time with Him, reading the Bible, praying and listening to God may seem like some lofty goal to strive for at some distant time in the future; but it can be a reality now. It is not ethereal or unattainable. It is not reserved for pastors and evangelists. It is doable, practical and entirely up to you! Life in its fullness as God designed can be yours; you decide!
John 10:10; Ephesians 5:15-16
Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Your schedule quickly reveals your priorities. You have things that must be done to sustain life and livelihood, but your schedule is yours to control; you can fill it thoughtfully and wisely with God’s guidance or unwisely with activities that leave you empty and walking dead. Overhauling your schedule and getting your priorities straight can change your future. It plays a critical role in determining who you will become.
Are you spending more time thinking about what you want to get done or thinking about who you want to become?
Take a look at your schedule and examine how you are spending the hours and days God has given you. Begin making small changes that will reap significant results over time. Schedule time with God…worship, fellowship, read His word, pray, and listen. Schedule time with your family. Choose to become the best Christian, spouse, parent, and friend you can be. Live wisely!
Oh God, I want to live my life making wise choices and making the most of the time you have given me. Help me to change the things in my schedule that are tying me up and keeping me from becoming the person you want me to be. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.