New Message Series • 1/14/24

Join us at Faith Fellowship this Sunday at 10am. What’s playing in your head?
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CHRISTMAS ROADTRIP • Instagram – 12/24/23

Caesar August sent out a decree that “all the world should be taxed.” Consder the magnitude of this statement. He was ruler of the entire known world. He was worshipped. His decree sent the whole world scrambling to get back to their towns of origin to pay taxes. During his reign...
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CHRISTMAS ROADTRIP • Trip Advisor – 12/10/23

You have heard the saying, “Man plans, and God laughs!” Most of us have a full agenda and when anything interrupts our plans, we are disappointed and even angry. That frustration can ruin our attitude and rob us of our peace. The fact is, life is full of interruptions. When we...
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Christmas Road Trip – 12/10/23

Join us for this new Christmas message series as we venture out on the most celebrated road trip in history. Bring along a friend for the ride!
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OVERFLOW – Overflowing • 12/3/23

In the midst of a self-serving, self-promoting culture, the accepted norm is to climb the ladder of success using any means necessary. If you have to step on some people on the way up, it’s just part of the process. People clammor for “likes” and followers on social media. A...
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OVERFLOW – Generous Eye • 11/26/23

As children develop language skills we notice some of their first words to be very similar. Perhaps “mama” or “dada,” then “no,” and “mine” follow closely behind! Children soon learn to claim what their want for their own, “my doll, my truck, mine.” Some people go to their grave...
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OVERFLOW – Testing Testing 123 • 11/19/23

The Bible has more to say about money than heaven and hell. Jesus taught about money more than any other topic because he knew that wealth would be the #1 competitor for our hearts. Our treasures are directly connected to our hearts. Our U.S. currency has “In God We Trust”...
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OVERFLOW – The Heart of It • 11/12/23

Jesus taught, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” However, our culture believes the more you get, the more you’re blessed. If culture is right, why are we living in the most blessed generation and nation of all time and yet one that expresses great dissatisfaction and...
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