Game of Thrones – Stewards

Most of us don’t seek out a throne but what happens when God puts you on the throne? That’s exactly what happened to the first king of Israel, Saul. He came from the least of the clans in the smallest of the twelve tribes of Israel but God chose him to be king and through a...
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Game of Thrones—Seeking the Throne

One of the most fascinating Christmas stories is about men who come from the east, commonly referred to as Wise Men. Whenever the birth of Jesus is told, this tale of strange men with gifts, from some faraway land, is included. All that we know about these men is found in the New...
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Game of Thrones – Peace on the Throne

Who or what is ruling your heart this Christmas. Is it stress over all you need to do, what presents to buy, how much to spend? Is it worry over health issues, finances or work situations? Is it concern for family and friends who are going through difficulty or a time of need? Is...
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Game of Thrones – Throne Room

Mary received the news of God’s plan for a Savior by accepting and submitting to his Lordship. God’s place on the throne of her life was not in question. She had undoubtedly been preparing for this moment for her entire life. She was well-versed in the Scriptures and...
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Game of Thrones – Abdicating the Throne

Jesus abdicated his throne in heaven and came to earth so that salvation could be freely available to you and me and to all humanity. Jesus paid with his life. Although salvation costs us nothing to receive, it demands everything in return. You cannot truly receive Christ and...
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Sweet—Almond Joy

The Almond Joy candy bar has been around since 1946. For nearly 70 years, when candy lovers “feel like a nut”, they turned to the Almond Joy. Many people struggle with how to live joyful lives with or without an Almond Joy. The Apostle Paul didn’t have this sweet candy bar but he...
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Sweet – Smarties

We all make decisions every day. Some are fairly simple, and some impact our lives for a long time to come. Who you are today is the result of decisions you have made in the past, and the decisions you make today will have a strong impact on the person you will be tomorrow....
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Sweet – Spree

A spree is defined by Webster’s as a period of time filled with unrestrained activity. That certainly expresses our culture. We are in a frenzy of activity, chasing fulfillment in the form of “more.” If a little is good, more is better. If one is good, two is better. We are...
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Sweet – Good and Plenty

What are the finer things in life for you? Is it fast cars, fine clothes, exotic vacations or gourmet foods? It might be all of these, but for most it would center in some sort of materialistic extravagance. We crave to be fulfilled by the material world, yet it can never bring...
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