Stronger—Stronger in Commitment

This is one definition of commitment: a promise to be loyal to someone or something. Nothing good happens without commitment because commitment is what turns dreams into reality. The commitments we make help define our lives and make us stronger in our loyalty to someone or...
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Stronger Character

The church grew rapidly after the resurrection. With the Day of Pentecost thousands became Christ-followers. Many of those coming into the church were poor and struggling. Barnabas, a fellow Christian, saw their need and sold a piece of land bringing all the proceeds to the...
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Stronger Belief

The church at Corinth was struggling with quarrels and disputes among its members. Some people were Jewish in background, others were Gentile. People had varying beliefs which stemmed from their history, customs and traditions. Some had celebrated the Lord’s Day on Saturday,...
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Stronger Salt

Why did Jesus tell Christians that they are the “salt of the earth”? It is a curious statement, but when we look at the importance of salt, His meaning becomes clear. Salt is essential to all mammals. It exists in our blood, sweat and tears. It enhances the taste of food and...
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Stronger in Love

Jesus shares three consecutive stories about lost things in Luke 15. These stories share a plot line that centers not only on something that has been lost, but in each case it has such great value that an all-out search ensues to recover it. After the lost sheep, coin and son are...
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Stronger – Stronger in Faith

When the ten lepers asked Jesus to heal them, He told them to go and show themselves to the priest. Visibly they could see no change in their condition. They probably were thinking, “Why? So He can tell us that we have leprosy? We already know that!” However, they started down...
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Game of Thrones – Stewards

Most of us don’t seek out a throne but what happens when God puts you on the throne? That’s exactly what happened to the first king of Israel, Saul. He came from the least of the clans in the smallest of the twelve tribes of Israel but God chose him to be king and through a...
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Game of Thrones—Seeking the Throne

One of the most fascinating Christmas stories is about men who come from the east, commonly referred to as Wise Men. Whenever the birth of Jesus is told, this tale of strange men with gifts, from some faraway land, is included. All that we know about these men is found in the New...
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Game of Thrones – Peace on the Throne

Who or what is ruling your heart this Christmas. Is it stress over all you need to do, what presents to buy, how much to spend? Is it worry over health issues, finances or work situations? Is it concern for family and friends who are going through difficulty or a time of need? Is...
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