Unity is sadly lacking in our society and in our world. In Psalm 133 David expresses the importance of unity among God’s people, it is powerful, life changing. Unity has its own atmosphere, its own vibe. Have you ever walked into a situation, and you immediately knew that... Read More →
As a Christ-follower we are called to be there for others…for someone who are drifting, one who feels lost and alone, someone whose hope is gone. How they see you will determine whether they are comfortable approaching you or not. Your life should shine (Mt 5:16) so that others... Read More →
The Psalms are known as wisdom literature because they are full of wise counsel and instruction. The lyrics of many worship songs are taken from the Psalms, and they bring life, hope and encouragement. Internalizing their truths can change your life and your soul. David penned... Read More →
When God sent Moses to deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, Pharaoh balked. He wasn’t going to let free labor walk out the door. God sent ten plagues upon the Egyptians to convince Pharoah to release the Israelites. With each plague Pharoah promised to let God’s people... Read More →
Christians ought to be the most positive optimistic people in the world. A pessimistic Christian is an oxymoron. But many Christians live defeated lives, failing to comprehend their true worth. It’s not what God intended. Jesus came so we can have life abundantly, not simply... Read More →