TWISTER • Out of the Blue – 6/4/23

Some of the most misinterpreted words of Jesus are recorded in John 14:13. “You can ask for anything in my name and I will do it,…” This is exciting news to the uninformed Christian. New Christians often latch onto this verse with great enthusiasm and pray for all kinds of...
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TWISTER • Eliminated from the Game – 5/28/23

We live in a culture that has cancelled sin. We don’t talk about it or mention it, because everybody has a “right” to do their own thing. Throw God’s laws out the window. I often ask people if they think the world would be a better or worse place if everyone obeyed the Ten...
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TWISTER • Bendy – 5/21/23

Don’t worry, be happy! This is a common phrase and a very catchy song performed by Pharrell Williams. Many people spend their whole life in the pursuit of happiness. The US Constitution guarantees our right to do so! The idea that happiness is attainable for more than a fleeting...
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TWISTER • Tied Up in Knots – 5/14/23

Life should be full, but often it’s just busy. We find ourselves with too many demands and commitments. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and inadequate. We think we can do it all if we just try harder, work smarter and focus. Life should by a rhythm not a race. As Christians we...
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PERSPECTIVE • Vertical and Horizontal – 5/7/23

Many movies and TV shows have focused on time travel. The most common theme is to go back in time to prevent or change something in the future. When Jesus walked out of the grave, it changed absolutely everything—past, present, and future! Those who had lived believing in t...
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PERSPECTIVE • Vanishing Points – 4/30/23

People used to believe the earth was flat and feared that sailing too far out into the ocean would cause you to fall off the earth. As we know, the curve of earth causes that illusion because it’s round. How many times do we live in fear or under false notions because we aren’t...
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PERSPECTIVE • Skewed – 4/23/23

Christianity is based on faith in the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, faith in God’s power to forgive sins and give eternal life. Faith comes easily for some, but for many it’s not easy to believe it when you can’t see it! Many people want proof positive. Those who...
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PERSPECTIVE • In the Middle – 4/16/23

In my experience, most people prefer either the aisle or window seat when they fly. You don’t find many seeking the middle seat. It seems to happen by default and when you are stuck in the middle between two strangers, you feel trapped and uncomfortable. It’s true in life. When...
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PERSPECTIVE • Point of View 4/9/23

PERSPECTIVE • Point of View – 4/9/23 For some Easter is simply a candy-filled holiday featuring the Easter bunny and egg hunts. For others it is something far greater. It’s about a God who loves us. It’s about Jesus dying on the cross and walking out of the grave so we can...
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